Saturday, 20 November 2010

Madder's Lovin it!!

Phew! I finally decided to re-join the blogosphere after a year of self-enforced absence. To my dear fan (s) I would like to apologise for my lack of presence during the last 12 months. I categorically deny all of the evil and unfounded rumours that I was kidnapped by aliens, or in prison, or that I had left the country. Luckily for you, my dear reader (s), none of these is true, and I am back, panting and moist with excitement at the prospect of continuing my rantings for your delectation...

So, why did I go away, I hear you all scream? The reasons are complex, but they boil down to a lack of ideas, pure and simple. I ran out of things to say, yet the things I really wanted to say could not be said, at least not in the ways I wanted to say them. Sounds paradoxical I know, but hey, sue me!!

But let us be friends once again, let bygones be bygones and water under the bridge, no need to cry over spilt milk, la de dah de dah...

So what should I write about?

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