Sunday 29 July 2007

Visual Aids....

As promised, here are some photos I took with my phone during and after Annie's stay in hospital. Above Top: Annie just after she was admitted to the hospital the day before her operation. Note the funky green hospital clothes!! Above Bottom: Annie (left) with Nurse Hajjijah (right), just before Annie went in for her operation.

Above Top: Annie and another patient being wheeled into the operating room. Annie's bed is on the right. Above Bottom: Annie at home the day after being discharged.

These pictures have been published to reassure those of you who may be about to have cancer surgery for the first time. You can see how happy Annie is and how quickly she recovered. It's not as horrible as it appears and the hospital was a great place. If you want to see photos of Annie's operation scar and the post-operative drainage pouch she wears, which is not at all shocking I can assure you, please apply privately by sending a comment to this blog posting along with your email address. Genuine requests will be entertained only.

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