Saturday 4 August 2007

Just can't resist....

Sorry about this, folks. They say there is a little kid in all of us, and, well, my Inner Kid needs just one more kick around the sand pit before going to bed...

I just visited another branch of one of Kuching's most 'popular' bookshops and noticed an amazing 59 unsold copies (well, let's round it up to 60!) of the new Harry potter book, being sold at the maximum price of RM 109.90. Prof. Madder noticed that the previous book, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, was on sale for RM 39.90. What a difference two years make!!

So, rather than go on childishly digging away at the booksellers (who I actually respect a great deal of course), I thought I would take pity on them by offering some light-hearted advice on what to do with all those unsold copies of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.

1. Make them into a life-sized model of the Petronas Twin Towers
2. Fill up two or three Space Shuttles with them and blast them off into space
3. Sell them to Dubai for their offshore land reclamation projects
4. Let the Army use them for target practice
5. Make furniture out of them
6. Make a new Malaysian island out of them
7. Give them their own web site
8. Use them for landfill
9. Make bullet-proof vests out of them
10. Make a reality show about them
11. Sell them at a price everyone can afford…

There. Now, I promise, there will be no more postings about Harry Potter! Expelliamus!!

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